Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A bit of recovery

32 miles, up the bike path to Shelby and back. No hills, sheltered from the light wind, minimal effort expended.

It was a day to just spin some life back in to my legs, after the oh-so-satisfying abuse they took yesterday. I forgot to grab water on my way out, so I stopped at the Wesco station in New Era (about 11 miles up the trail) for bottled water. Ya know, for all the sturm und drang (apologies to anyone out there who actually speaks German; who knows, maybe this blog is a huge hit in Bavaria) about gas prices, bottled water still costs more. The king-sized Nutrageous bar went down well, too, in any case.

So it's really, really time to get serious about fund-raising. I think I'm going to drop letters in all the neighborhood mailboxes, as well as some emails and letters to folks further afield. I find it so much harder to ask people for money, even for a worthy cause and a worthy charity, than to just ride my keister off on the bike. Feh.


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